China Through American Eyes
China Through American Eyes Early Depictions of the Chinese People and Culture in the U.S. Print Media Cultural understanding between the United States and China has been a long and complex process. The period from the mid-nineteenth century to the

Business Success in China – Tips from American Entrepreneurs
Are you interested in doing business in China but don’t know where to start? Do you wonder whether there are good opportunities for your business in China? Do you want to know what it takes to build a business in China and make it successful? Come to listen to our speakers tell their stories.

A Conversation About the Myth of Chinese Capitalism
Announcing our first USHCA author event: the award-winning journalist Dexter Roberts will discuss his new book “The Myth of Chinese Capitalism: The Worker, the Factory, and the Future of the World” with guest interviewer Professor Zhiguo He from the University

Ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn’s Statement on the Passing of Professor Yuan Longping
STATEMENT on thePASSING OF PROFESSOR YUAN LONGPINGbyAMBASSADOR KENNETH M. QUINNandVice ChairmanThe Yuan Longping International Rice Development Forum May 23, 2021 With the passing of Professor Yuan Longping, China and the World have lost one the greatest agricultural scientists on our planet

USHCA Members Celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month with Personal Reflections
Suisheng Zhao (赵穗生), Strategic Advisor of USHCA I was given the American name “Sam” after coming to this great nation many years ago. I used “Sam” for many years because I wanted to be Americanized. After a recent soul search

Climate Change – Can the U.S. and China Collaborate
Given the recent developments around climate change collaboration between the U.S. and China, we will gather top experts from both countries to explore – what next? Can the U.S. and China collaborate?

Student Forum – March 2021
Former recruitment expert from Deloitte will reveal the main factors that affect successful career development and provide you with advice on “what to do and what not to do” in interview preparation and further career development. Chinese students from Eastern

Press Release: Inaugural U.S.-China Agriculture Roundtable Advances Critical Global Issues
Contact: Min Fan, Executive Director – mfan@usheartlandchina.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE –Download a .pdf of this press release Inaugural U.S.-China Agriculture Roundtable Advances Critical Global Issues Governor Kim Reynolds, Congressman Darin LaHood, and CEOs of Deere & Company, Syngenta and ADM Headline

Opening Celebration Replay
2021 U.S. – China Agriculture Roundtable https://youtu.be/0iKN272SBkI The U.S. and China have a strong history of collaboration and friendship. The heartland is no exception to this, having its unique history linking the two nations together through community and agriculture. As

Trade and Business Dialogue Replay
2021 U.S. – China Agriculture Roundtable Trade & Business Dialogue Together, how can the U.S. and China transform agriculture? Event Agenda SEGMENT 1: Expand Protein Trade SEGMENT 2: ADOPTION OF NEW TECHNOLOGY Participant Bios: Segment 1 Krysta Harden USDEC President

Think Tank Dialogue Replay
2021 U.S. – China Agriculture Roundtable Think Tank Dialogue What new frontiers of global collaboration are there for U.S. – China in agriculture? Event Agenda Segment 1: Agriculture and Rural Development Segment 2: International Cooperation and Green Development Participant Bios:

Agriculture Education Roundtable Replay
2021 U.S. – China Agriculture Roundtable Agriculture Education Dialogue Together, how can the U.S. and China transform agriculture? Event Agenda SEGMENT 1: EDUCATION LEADERS DIALOGUE SEGMENT 2: TECHNOLOGY AND OUTREACH Participant Bios: Segment 1 Jikun Huang 黄季焜 Director of China