Essential Ingredients of Business Success in and with China – Session 2

Business success depends on numerous factors, and those factors can change when interacting with foreign markets. When looking to begin business or expand your current business in China, traditional methods used in the U.S. may not be well-suited to Chinese markets. So, what are the basics of successful business in and with China today? How can you get involved in the ever-growing and expanding sectors available in the country? Where do you get started?

USHCA is honored to invite back the panelists from our January event, Essential Ingredients of Business Success in and with China – Part 1, for a second event in this series. Our esteemed panelists, career professionals with vast experience working in China and with Chinese audiences, will be discussing the essential ingredients to successful business in China today. Each guest will provide advanced insights into the do’s and don’ts of modern business practices in China.


Amy P. Celico

Albright Stonebridge Group (ASG)


David S. Chen, Ph.D. 陈实 博士

Summit Bridge Group, Inc.


Daniel B. Wright

GreenPoint Group

Outreach Partner

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