Shandong Impresses in Promotional Event

On March 7th, 2024, delegates from Shandong province, under the leadership of Mr. Cai Xianjin, Director General of the Shandong Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, visited Chicago to explore opportunities for agricultural collaboration.

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USHCA Participates in Washington University’s Cabot Zhang Lecture

On Tuesday, January 30th, USHCA leadership was featured in a panel on the potential for collaboration between the U.S. and China in the realm of healthcare innovation. This dialogue was part of the Cabot Corporation–Xinsheng Zhang Lectureship series, organized by Washington University and facilitated by the McDonnell International Scholars Academy.

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USHCA Attends The Carter Center Forum Honoring President Jimmy Carter

On January 9th and 10th, 2024, USHCA representatives attended the Forum in Honor of Jimmy Carter & the 45th Anniversary of U.S.-China Relations. The Carter Center hosted this event to commemorate the leadership and foresight of President Jimmy Carter who worked in partnership with Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping to reestablish ties between the U.S. and China in 1979.

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USHCA Hosts Hubei Delegation in Chicago

On December 4th, 2023, USHCA had the honor of hosting a delegation from Hubei in Chicago, Illinois. The delegation, led by Director General Xiang Keqiang of the province’s Agricultural Development Center, visited the Heartland to meet with USHCA and explore opportunities for agricultural trade cooperation between the U.S. and Hubei Province.

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USHCA Co-Organizes 2023 CGCC-Chicago Gala

On Monday, November 20th, 2023, close to 800 attendees from both the U.S. and China attended the China General Chamber of Commerce U.S.A. – Chicago (CGCC-Chicago)’s 7th Annual Gala, to explore business and investment opportunities in the Heartland Region. The gala, themed “Let’s Move Forward,” was co-organized by CGCC-Chicago, World Business Chicago, and USHCA.

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Globalization of RMB & The Future of International Trade

USHCA is excited to bring two leading experts Diana Choyleva, Chief Economist at Enodo Economics, and David Dollar, Senior Fellow for Foreign Policy – John L. Thornton China Center at the Brookings Institute, to speak about their views on the outlook and the timing of such a roll out and the globalization of RMB’s impact on international trade—especially agricultural trade—and how the other countries, including the U.S., may counter.

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