St. Louis

USHCA Participates in Washington University’s Cabot Zhang Lecture

On Tuesday, January 30th, USHCA leadership was featured in a panel on the potential for collaboration between the U.S. and China in the realm of healthcare innovation. This dialogue was part of the Cabot Corporation–Xinsheng Zhang Lectureship series, organized by Washington University and facilitated by the McDonnell International Scholars Academy.

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USHCA Hosts Hubei Delegation in Chicago

On December 4th, 2023, USHCA had the honor of hosting a delegation from Hubei in Chicago, Illinois. The delegation, led by Director General Xiang Keqiang of the province’s Agricultural Development Center, visited the Heartland to meet with USHCA and explore opportunities for agricultural trade cooperation between the U.S. and Hubei Province.

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USHCA Hosts Jiangsu and Nanjing Delegations in St. Louis

On Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023, USHCA joined with the St. Louis-Nanjing Sister Cities Committee and the World Trade Center St. Louis to welcome a delegation from Jiangsu Province, which comprised of prominent government officials and business leaders. Their visit aimed to further foster the cultural and economic exchange opportunities that have flourished over the 44 years since the establishment of the sister city relationship between Jiangsu’s capital of Nanjing and St. Louis.

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USHCA Hosts Hubei Delegation in St. Louis

On Wednesday, March 1st, 2023, USHCA had the honor of hosting a delegation from Hubei in St. Louis, Missouri. The delegation, led by Director General Zhang Xiaomei of the Hubei Province’s Foreign Affairs Office, toured two Heartland cities during their visit to the U.S., to explore opportunities for collaboration around ecological protection, biodiversity, flood control, transportation, tourism, and cultural exchange.

During their visit, USHCA signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the delegation, the first of its kind for Yangtze River-Mississippi River collaboration.

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