Hainan: China’s Hawaii and World’s Largest Free Trade Zone
Is Hainan the next Singapore? Or a newer and bigger one? Questions like these have been bubbling up ever since Hainan Province, China’s only tropical island, became China’s largest Free Trade Zone. Often referred to as the “Hawaii of the Orient”, Hainan is not only the world’s most dynamic tourism destination with a projected 80 million Chinese domestic visitors alone in 2021 but also the largest “lab” of the latest sustainable development experiment of the Chinese government.
Go Solar! Wanxiang’s Solar 1000 program reaches more schools with USHCA support
How would your local schools like to receive a donation of 1,000W of solar photovoltaic education system to empower its students with the knowledge of solar electric power? How about additional curriculum lesson plans and school projects to give students a firsthand understanding of solar energy and how its application will make their school greener?
If your local school is like one of the over 30 schools that have benefitted from Wanxiang New Energy’s Solar 1000 program, the answer is a resounding YES!
Far East Deep South Movie Event
Many people know of the discrimination that minority groups in America have suffered but few have seen how this discrimination has impacted the relationship between the Afro-Chinese community. The documentary Far East Deep South explores the unknown history of Chinese immigrants that landed in America’s deep south and how they and their black neighbors were able to look beyond cultural differences to create a community. At this event, we will talk with the filmmakers as well as members of the Black China Caucus to discuss some of the lessons we can learn from the film and how we can use these lessons today.
Capital Flow Between the U.S. & China: Winners and Losers
China and the U.S. have been deeply engaged with each other in many dimensions over the past two decades, but the recent de-integration between these two countries poses a real threat to the global economy. This talk will focus on the financial side of the decoupling, covering both the macro and micro aspects, as well as potential disruptions caused by the decoupling.
U.S. – Chinese Relations as the 21st Century Unfolds
Can we lay down new stones to help create a better future foundation for China, the U.S., and the world?
The consequences of not finding a smooth way forward to manage the differences between the two largest economies in the world with the biggest and mightiest militaries are too dire to contemplate. What kind of future are we heading to if our leaders don’t find sensible ways forward?
Shrinking Cities in the U.S. and China: Challenges and Responses
Economic transformation in both the U.S. and China has created winners and losers in its respective society. While some regions are thriving, others have struggled. In this joint event organized by LRCCS, USHCA, and Taubman, we have invited the leading experts on shrinking cities to explore the lessons learned from the post-industrial shrinking cities in both the U.S. and China and how both countries are learning to help the communities that are left behind in the face of technology and global changes.
Essential Ingredients of Business Success in and with China – Session 2
Business success depends on numerous factors, and those factors can change when interacting with foreign markets. When looking to begin business or expand your current business in China, traditional methods used in the U.S. may not be well-suited to Chinese markets. So, what are the basics of successful business in and with China today? How can you get involved in the ever-growing and expanding sectors available in the country? Where do you get started?
Thank you Ambassador Cui
Thank you Ambassador Cui!
Ambassador Cui Tiankai, China’s top diplomatic representative to the US for the last eight years, departed Washington in late June in time to return home for the centennial anniversary celebration of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party on July 1.
It was during a succession of events in the Heartland, and in particular in my home state of Iowa, that I had a number of opportunities to interact with Ambassador Cui and to join in promoting “citizen diplomacy” efforts to enhance friendly relations between the Chinese and American peoples.
Ford Foundation and Henry Luce Foundation lend support to USHCA
“We are thrilled that both the Ford Foundation and the Henry Luce Foundation have awarded our organization grants to maintain the momentum of our important work building bridges and understanding between the American Heartland and China,” Bob Holden, former Governor of Missouri, Chairman and CEO of the United States Heartland China Association (USHCA) announced.
USHCA Meets with Missouri Girls State’s International Affairs Class
On June 22nd, 2021, U.S. Heartland China Association (USHCA) leaders and guests spoke with future leaders in the International Affairs Class at Missouri Girls State. The class, led by instructor Sydney Montague, a participant of the Missouri Girls State’s Delegation to China organized by USHCA a few years back, covers a variety of topics including: global citizenship, methods for engaging in U.S. foreign policy, and the importance of learning about different global cultures – ideas fundamental to USHCA’s mission.
China Through American Eyes
China Through American Eyes Early Depictions of the Chinese People and Culture in the U.S. Print Media Cultural understanding between the United States and China has been a long and complex process. The period from the mid-nineteenth century to the
Business Success in China – Tips from American Entrepreneurs
Are you interested in doing business in China but don’t know where to start? Do you wonder whether there are good opportunities for your business in China? Do you want to know what it takes to build a business in China and make it successful? Come to listen to our speakers tell their stories.