
Building Friendships Through Virtual Language Exchange -中美学友汇 by Andrea Levan

Skype video calls allow for more organic, interpersonal conversations. Within the current state of U.S.-China relations, educational and cultural exchange has never been more important for building mutual understanding. Ms. Huisi Zhao , a Chinese teacher at Dayton Regional STEM

Building Friendships Through Virtual Language Exchange -中美学友汇 by Andrea Levan Read More »

U.S. China Trade and the Future of Agriculture in the Heartland

A significant portion of the US agricultural exports to China is produced in the heartland region. With the recent trade tension and, now, COVID-19 impact, the agriculture industry in the heartland is facing a lot of uncertainties and challenges.

In this webinar, we will join a panel of agricultural industry veterans, policy makers, and investors to explore the opportunities and challenges for the future of agriculture in the heartland.

U.S. China Trade and the Future of Agriculture in the Heartland Read More »

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