YUNNAN – a case study in China’s rural transformation and sustainable development model


a case study in China's rural transformation and sustainable development model

This event focuses on the impressive development of Yunnan, China, highlighting how the province moved from a rural area with high levels of poverty to having the necessary infrastructures of the modern-day. In just twelve years through a massive infrastructural development coupled with a government-led poverty eradication campaign, Yunnan has completely transformed into a thriving area.

We’re pleased to welcome several experts from the Institute of Current World Affairs, China Centre, and the GreenPoint Group as we explore the history of Yunnan and how the city was able to transform. Join our panelists as they share their unique perspectives of living and working with the area and their experiences of seeing the province grow into a leader in the sustainable development movement. 

This dialogue is in partnership with the Institute of Current World Affairs and TN China Network.

This event is part of USHCA’s ongoing series, The Way Forward, where we discuss different ideas and initiatives used by the U.S. and China and how they can be applied to the Heartland region.



Matthew Chitwood

Fellow with the Institute of Current World Affairs


Brian Linden

Owner, Linden Galleries and China Centre


Daniel B. Wright

President and CEO, GreenPoint Group

Organized by

Outreach Partners

Outreach Partners

1 thought on “YUNNAN – a case study in China’s rural transformation and sustainable development model”

  1. France Addington-Lee

    I finally was able to listen to this program and it was excellent, Min! Thank you so much for organizing this. On our last Denver Sister City trip to China we stayed at the Linden Center in Xizhou and were luck to spend some time with Brian so it was great to hear from him today. Happy New Year (American style) to you all!


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The Way Forward

building bridges for the heartland

a webinar series


a case study in China's rural transformation and sustainable development model

December 17th, 2020

9:00 - 10:30 a.m. EST

Twelve years ago more than 40% of Yunnan’s rural population had no direct access to a paved road. Since then, massive infrastructure development and a government-led poverty eradication campaign have transformed the countryside. Yunan also rose to be a leader in sustainable development.  In this special event, we will hear from our two speakers share their unique perspectives based on their deep experiences in Yunnan.



Matthew Chitwood

Fellow with the Institute of Current World Affairs


Brian Linden

Owner, Linden Galleries and China Centre


Daniel B. Wright

President and CEO, GreenPoint Group

Organized by

Outreach Partners

Outreach Partners

Co-organized by

Partner Organizations

Partner Organizations


a case study in China's rural transformation and sustainable development model

December 17th, 2020

9:00 - 10:30 a.m. EST

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