Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal Will Boost Heartland Exporters

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal, signed into law on November 15, brings much needed—albeit long overdue—relief and forward looking investments. The deal includes $42 billion for ports and airports and $66 billion in passenger and freight rail. According to the Coalition for America’s Gateways and Trade Corridors, the bill will provide up to $78 billion over five years to address the interconnected system that moves freight across the country.

Denver-Kunming Sister Cities Celebration

First established in 1986, the Denver-Kunming Sister City relationship has thrived in the past 25 years thanks to dedicated bridge builders from both cities. Even though the pandemic has significantly impacted in-person cultural exchanges, the friendship of the two cities continues thanks to technologies that connect us.

In this special event themed – Gateway to Outdoor Adventure – both cities will celebrate their shared love for natural beauty and outdoor activities. Speakers from both cities will share how each city protects the natural beauty of their cities, supports outdoor recreation and tourism while instilling a love of the outdoors in youth.

To Compete with China, Invest in America

The US has been the undisputed ‘world champ’ economy since the end of WW11. Do we wish to remain in the number one spot? Then it is time to stop whining and complaining about China and start investing in our country and the American people.
To be clear, the Chinese government’s main goal is to restore their country to its historical greatness – a return to wealth, power, and world prestige. This point was driven home in Michael Schumann’s new book: Superpower Interrupted. The book offers atypical insights for understanding China’s place in the world, especially the drive to “Make China Great Again.”

Return of McCarthyism?

At this time of political divide in America and tension between the U.S. and China, many symbols of the Cold War era are coming to haunt us today. From the Justice Department’s much criticized China Initiative to the re-emergence of McCarthyism in America, there are alarming signs that, if we are not careful, our country may once again go down a troubling path, especially for Chinese Americans who are stuck in the middle.

What lessons can we learn from the past that can help us prevent a repeat of policies and rise of demagogues that will lead our country down a path of ruin? US Heartland China Association and our partner United Chinese Americans jointly invite two award-winning American authors to share their thoughts on this important topic.

2021 Presidential Youth Leadership Initiative Reflection

During the summer of my freshman year at college, I was taking a career preparation course and the instructor asked all of us a novel and provoking question: “What’s your epitaph after death?” I thought twice and gave my answer: “To burn passion for an admirable cause.” This answer aligns with the goal I chose before entering the college, which refers to a sentence from a Chinese writer Zhiyuan Xu: “Students learn from the books in the high school. When they enter the college, they should broaden their vision and learn from everywhere.”

Hainan: China’s Hawaii and World’s Largest Free Trade Zone

Is Hainan the next Singapore? Or a newer and bigger one? Questions like these have been bubbling up ever since Hainan Province, China’s only tropical island, became China’s largest Free Trade Zone. Often referred to as the “Hawaii of the Orient”, Hainan is not only the world’s most dynamic tourism destination with a projected 80 million Chinese domestic visitors alone in 2021 but also the largest “lab” of the latest sustainable development experiment of the Chinese government.

Go Solar! Wanxiang’s Solar 1000 program reaches more schools with USHCA support

How would your local schools like to receive a donation of 1,000W of solar photovoltaic education system to empower its students with the knowledge of solar electric power? How about additional curriculum lesson plans and school projects to give students a firsthand understanding of solar energy and how its application will make their school greener?
If your local school is like one of the over 30 schools that have benefitted from Wanxiang New Energy’s Solar 1000 program, the answer is a resounding YES!

Far East Deep South Movie Event

Many people know of the discrimination that minority groups in America have suffered but few have seen how this discrimination has impacted the relationship between the Afro-Chinese community. The documentary Far East Deep South explores the unknown history of Chinese immigrants that landed in America’s deep south and how they and their black neighbors were able to look beyond cultural differences to create a community. At this event, we will talk with the filmmakers as well as members of the Black China Caucus to discuss some of the lessons we can learn from the film and how we can use these lessons today.

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