Nursing in Greater China & the U.S. in 2020

2020 has been a challenging year for all, especially for those in the healthcare industry. The issues brought by the ongoing pandemic have shown us the strong points and the points for improvement in the healthcare industry, with nurses across the world facing the brunt of the pandemic. In this dialogue, we bring together various professionals in the nursing field to share valuable information gathered from the panelists’ careers relevant to both Chinese and American nurses. With special attention to the challenges brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic and the future of collaboration efforts between China and the US, we will explore global perspectives as well as regional perspectives when it comes to the various issues facing nurses today.

This event is sponsored by the Guardians of the Angeles Charitable Foundation and co-organized by Eastern Michigan University and the Greater Columbus Chinese Chamber of Commerce. We would like to thank our outreach partners Million Women Mentors- Tennessee and TN China Network for helping to promote this event.

This event is part of USHCA’s ongoing series, The Way Forward, where we discuss different ideas and initiatives used by the US and China and how they can be applied to the Heartland region.

Dr. Tsu-Yin Wu

Professor and PhD Program Director at Eastern Michigan University School of Nursing

Dr. Pamela Cipriano

Dean at the University of Virginia’s School of Nursing; 1st Vice President, International Council of Nurses

Siew Lee Grand-Clément

Vice President, Clinical Operation UPMC International; UPMC China Chief Nurse and Quality Officer

Event Sponsor

Presented by

Co-organized with

Co-organized with

Outreach Partners

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The Way Forward

building bridges for the heartland

a webinar series

Nursing in Greater China & the U.S. in 2020

November 19th, 2020

8:00 - 9:30 a.m. EST

2020 has been an especially challenging year for healthcare professionals as well as educators who have worked hand-in-hand across US and China in the past. In this discussion, we bring together practitioners, administrators, and others involved in the field of nursing to discuss experiences relevant to Chinese and American nurses, including the challenges of the COVID pandemic, as well as the future of U.S. – China nursing collaboration.

Dr. Tsu-Yin Wu

Professor and PhD Program Director at Eastern Michigan University School of Nursing

Dr. Pamela Cipriano

Dean at the University of Virginia’s School of Nursing; 1st Vice President, International Council of Nurses

Siew Lee Grand-Clément

Vice President, Clinical Operation UPMC International; UPMC China Chief Nurse and Quality Officer

Event Sponsor

Presented by

Co-organized with

Co-organized with

Outreach Partners

Nursing in Greater China & the U.S. in 2020

November 19th, 2020

8:00 - 9:30 a.m. EST

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