Finding the Way Forward
2021 U.S. - China Agriculture Roundtable
An event inspired by Norman Borlaug, Yuan Longping, and George Washington Carver

Norman Borlaug
Father of Green Revolution - Recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize

Yuan Longping 袁隆平
Father of Hybrid Rice - Recipient of World Food Prize

George Washington Carver
American Agricultural Scientist and inventor

Opening Celebration Replay
2021 U.S. – China Agriculture Roundtable The U.S. and China have a strong history of collaboration and friendship. The heartland is no exception to this, having its unique history linking the two nations together through community and agriculture. As

Trade and Business Dialogue Replay
2021 U.S. – China Agriculture Roundtable Trade & Business Dialogue Together, how can the U.S. and China transform agriculture? Event Agenda SEGMENT 1: Expand Protein Trade SEGMENT 2: ADOPTION OF NEW TECHNOLOGY Participant Bios: Segment 1 Krysta Harden USDEC President

Think Tank Dialogue Replay
2021 U.S. – China Agriculture Roundtable Think Tank Dialogue What new frontiers of global collaboration are there for U.S. – China in agriculture? Event Agenda Segment 1: Agriculture and Rural Development Segment 2: International Cooperation and Green Development Participant Bios:

Agriculture Education Roundtable Replay
2021 U.S. – China Agriculture Roundtable Agriculture Education Dialogue Together, how can the U.S. and China transform agriculture? Event Agenda SEGMENT 1: EDUCATION LEADERS DIALOGUE SEGMENT 2: TECHNOLOGY AND OUTREACH Participant Bios: Segment 1 Jikun Huang 黄季焜 Director of China
Finding Firmer Ground: The Role of Agricultural Cooperation in US – China Relations
Prepared by U.S. Heartland China Association and The Carter Center

Press Release: Inaugural U.S.-China Agriculture Roundtable Advances Critical Global Issues
Contact: Min Fan, Executive Director – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE –Download a .pdf of this press release Inaugural U.S.-China Agriculture Roundtable Advances Critical Global Issues Governor Kim Reynolds, Congressman Darin LaHood, and CEOs of Deere & Company, Syngenta and ADM Headline