
Globalization of RMB & The Future of International Trade

USHCA is excited to bring two leading experts Diana Choyleva, Chief Economist at Enodo Economics, and David Dollar, Senior Fellow for Foreign Policy – John L. Thornton China Center at the Brookings Institute, to speak about their views on the outlook and the timing of such a roll out and the globalization of RMB’s impact on international trade—especially agricultural trade—and how the other countries, including the U.S., may counter.

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Finding security: US-China Ag Trade in a changing world

Despite growing competition between the U.S. and China, trade volume between the two countries remain significant and robust. U.S. agricultural exports to China, in particular, has seen tremendous growth.  But the world is changing dramatically and the impact is felt locally in the Heartland, where a majority of the U.S. agricultural exports to China are produced. 

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Global Pandemic Response: What’s Next?

The pandemic has challenged healthcare systems around the world. Global responses to the pandemic has been so uneven and varied that it may feel like we are living through a giant experiment everywhere, despite a shared understanding of the science.

Now in its third year, what have we learned? What is the next? What choices do we have? How do we balance the social and economic dimensions with managing the health and health system impacts?

We have gathered experts from different countries to share lessons learned under different healthcare systems to shed light on the potential best path forward.

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Learn about the immediate and long-term benefits of a community-college education, and how this path can provide a better opportunity to be accepted to a higher-ranked college/university from which the student will receive their diploma. Hear from 3 excellent U.S. community colleges and the transfer officials from some of the 4-year universities they each provide a pathway to. Students who attended community college before transferring to a 4-year college will talk about their experiences. A Q&A will provide the opportunity to ask questions of the community colleges, transfer officials, and students. Based upon interest, a virtual fair with the opportunity to personally meet with various community colleges will be offered as a follow-up. Brought to you by the United States Heartland China Association, which fosters and supports a positive, productive, and mutually beneficial relationship between the United States and China by promoting exchanges in culture, education, and business.


Denver-Kunming Sister Cities Celebration

First established in 1986, the Denver-Kunming Sister City relationship has thrived in the past 25 years thanks to dedicated bridge builders from both cities. Even though the pandemic has significantly impacted in-person cultural exchanges, the friendship of the two cities continues thanks to technologies that connect us.

In this special event themed – Gateway to Outdoor Adventure – both cities will celebrate their shared love for natural beauty and outdoor activities. Speakers from both cities will share how each city protects the natural beauty of their cities, supports outdoor recreation and tourism while instilling a love of the outdoors in youth.

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