2024 - 4th Annual

U.S. - China Agriculture Roundtable

2024 (第四届)


Global Food Security & Agricultural Cooperation

For the first time since its inception, the 4th Annual U.S.-China Agriculture Roundtable was held in China from June 7th to 12th. Co-organized by the United States Heartland China Association (USHCA) and multiple Chinese partners, this broad-based bilateral agricultural platform drew senior leaders spanning government, trade, business, education, and think tanks from both countries to convene around the theme: Global Food Security and Agricultural Cooperation. Major American agriculture players and producers of soy, rice, corn, sorghum, dairy, and beef from 9 different states were among those who traveled to China to participate.

As in previous years, this year’s Agriculture Roundtable included 3 segments:

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Opening Celebration / Trade & Business Dialogue hosted by Shandong province, the #1 Ag province of China
Ag Education Dialogue hosted by China Agricultural University
Think Tank Dialogue hosted by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

USHCA organized 2 special delegations: the Ag & Food Business Delegation and the Ag Education Delegation to attend the event in China. 

The Ag & Food Business Delegation featured agribusiness representatives from 9 states across the Heartland, including Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas, comprising producers of soy, rice, corn, sorghum, dairy, and beef. The Ag Education Delegation independently visited three Chinese agricultural universities and a Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Student members were able to join their Chinese colleagues in broad discussions on agricultural and rural transitions, emphasizing the great benefits of student-to-student friendships. The delegation’s students represented eight 1890 land-grant universities. Also joining the education delegation were eight 1890 faculty members, the President of Kentucky State University and Dean of agriculture at Tuskegee University.

USHCA wishes to thank the many partners, co-organizers, hosts, attendees, and agriculture leaders from both countries for their support and participation, and for making the 4th U.S.-China Agriculture Roundtable a success. American sponsors and supporters for this year’s Agricultural Roundtable included U.S. Soybean Export Council, Bayer, U.S. Grains Council, Continental Grains, Smithfield, Syngenta, Genective, and Marathon Ginseng. USHCA is also grateful for the general support of our organization by the Ford Foundation, Henry Luce Foundation, and Carnegie Corporation of New York, which enabled the planning and execution of this special program.

Read the full Press Release.

Past Agriculture Roundtables

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