Shrinking Cities in the U.S. and China: Challenges and Responses

Economic transformation in both the U.S. and China has created winners and losers in its respective society. While some regions are thriving, others have struggled. In this joint event organized by LRCCS, USHCA, and Taubman, we have invited the leading experts on shrinking cities to explore the lessons learned from the post-industrial shrinking cities in both the U.S. and China and how both countries are learning to help the communities that are left behind in the face of technology and global changes.

This webinar will also be in part to celebrate the Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies’s 60th anniversary.


Alan Mallach

Senior fellow with the Center for Community Progress in Washington, DC and teaches in the Graduate Center on Planning and the Environment at Pratt Institute in New York City


Dr. Ying Long 龙瀛

Research professor school of Architecture, Tsinghua University, China


Jianhui Yu 余建辉

Associate Fellow of the Institute of Geographic Science and Resources, at the Chinese Academy of Sciences


Brent D. Ryan

Head of the City Design and Development Group and Associate Professor of Urban Design and Public Policy in MIT’s Department of Urban Studies and Planning


Lan Deng 邓岚

Professor of Urban & Regional Planning and the Associate Director for the Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies at the University of Michigan


Yongsheng Zhang 张永生

Director General and Research Fellow of the Research Institute for Eco-Civilization of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

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