The Tyranny of Merit: A Discussion with Michael Sandel

On August 23rd, USHCA’s student-led forum will return to discuss these questions raised by Michael Sandel, renowned Harvard professor, in his book The Tyranny of Merit: Can We Find the Common Good?

Chinese Americans in the Heartland

Chinese-Americans play an important role in the U.S.-China relationship. Understanding who we are as a country is a crucial first step to the U.S. building a better Way Forward with China. Literally and metaphorically, the infrastructure of our Heartland region […]

From Heartland to Mainland: Reflections and Insights Pt. 1

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Join us for a special webinar, "From Heartland to Mainland: Reflections and Insights from the 2024 U.S.-China Agriculture Roundtable - Part 1 ," where delegates who traveled to China to attend the 2024 U.S.-China Ag Roundtable will share their reflections […]

From Heartland to Mainland: Reflections and Insights – Part 2

Join us for Part 2 of our special webinar series, where delegates who traveled to China to attend the 2024 U.S.-China Ag Roundtable will share their reflections and insights from their recent travels. As delegates of two American delegations organized […]

Yangtze-Mississippi Regional Dialoge

The Yangtze River in China and Mississippi River in the U.S. are the most significant inland waterway of their respective countries. Both rivers cross a vast distance touching diverse communities and supporting major industries. Both river basin communities are experiencing […]

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