U.S.-China Ag. SME Kick-off

Is your company a U.S.-based small agriculture business eyeing the Chinese market?
Are you interested in entering the China market but don’t know where to start?
Would you like to learn from top experts the keys to business success in China?

Why China Matters for the Heartland

Join USHCA and our partners in exploring "Why China Matters to the Heartland." Learn how each Heartland state benefits from its relationship with China economically, educationally, and culturally.

In addition to receiving an exclusive report of the ties each Heartland state has with China, attendees will also hear from state and community leaders of the importance of creating and sustaining global opportunities with China in education, culture, and business.

Member Forum

Exclusive organizational updates, preview of upcoming programs, networking time, and open discussions are some of the typical agenda items for our monthly Member Forum.

If you are already a member, watch for the invite in your inbox.

Interested in joining as a USHCA member? Learn more about our membership options by clicking here.

Global Pandemic Response: What’s Next?

The pandemic has challenged healthcare systems around the world. Global responses to the pandemic has been so uneven and varied that it may feel like we are living through a giant experiment everywhere, despite a shared understanding of the science.

Now in its third year, what have we leaned? What is the next? What choices do we have? How do we balance the social and economic dimensions with managing the health and health system impacts?

We have gathered experts from different countries to share lessons learned under different healthcare systems to shed light on the potential best path forward.

USHCA Member Forum

Exclusive organizational updates, preview of upcoming programs, networking time, and open discussions are some of the typical agenda items for our monthly Member Forum.

If you are already a member, watch for the invite in your inbox.

Third Space Story Circle

立春 “Start of Spring” Story Circle PROMPT #1: Tell the story that explains why you came to choose your major/area of study. PROMPT #2: Tell us a moment when someone helped you when you were new to a foreign or […]

You’re Hired: A Virtual Discussion on Seeking Jobs

Join USHCA for our fourth author event as we invite Betsy H. Cohen to discuss her first book “Welcome to the U.S.A.-You’re Hired!: A Guide for Foreign-Born People Seeking Jobs.” Betsy has mentored and advised international students, international executives, and many foreign-born people for their job searches and career advancement. The event will also feature special panelist USHCA board member Qiaoni “Linda” Jing, a former international student from China herself who is now the CEO of Genective, a global AgTech company headquartered in the U.S.

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