Shrinking Cities in the U.S. and China

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Economic transformation in both the U.S. and China has created winners and losers in its respective society. While some regions are thriving, others have struggled. In this joint event organized by LRCCS, USHCA, and Taubman, we have invited the leading experts on shrinking cities to explore the lessons learned from the post-industrial shrinking cities in both the U.S. and China and how both countries are learning to help the communities that are left behind in the face of technology and global changes.

Capital Flow Between the U.S. & China: The Winners and Losers

China and the U.S. have been deeply engaged with each other in many dimensions over the past two decades, but the recent de-integration between these two countries poses a real threat to the global economy. This talk will focus on the financial side of the decoupling, covering both the macro and micro aspects, as well as potential disruptions caused by the decoupling.

This event is part of USHCA’s ongoing series, The Way Forward, where we discuss different ideas and initiatives used by the US and China and how they can be applied to the Heartland region.


Is Hainan the next Singapore?  Or a newer and bigger one? Questions like these have been bubbling up ever since Hainan Province, China’s only tropical island, became China’s largest Free Trade Zone. Often referred to as the “Hawaii of the Orient”, Hainan is not only the world’s most dynamic tourism destination with a projected 80 million Chinese domestic visitors alone in 2021 but also the largest “lab” of the latest sustainable development experiment of the Chinese government.  

Global Pandemic Response: What’s Next?

The pandemic has challenged healthcare systems around the world. Global responses to the pandemic has been so uneven and varied that it may feel like we are living through a giant experiment everywhere, despite a shared understanding of the science.

Now in its third year, what have we leaned? What is the next? What choices do we have? How do we balance the social and economic dimensions with managing the health and health system impacts?

We have gathered experts from different countries to share lessons learned under different healthcare systems to shed light on the potential best path forward.

Finding Security: U.S.-China Ag. Trade in a Changing World

Despite growing competition between the U.S. and China, trade volume between the two countries remains significant and robust. U.S. agricultural exports to China, in particular, have seen tremendous growth. But the world is changing dramatically and the impact is felt locally in the Heartland, where a majority of the U.S. agricultural exports to China are produced.

As a global food security crisis is looming large over the horizon, what is the future of U.S.-China Ag trade, and how can the two countries collaborate to address global food security? This August, USHCA will have experts from both the U.S. and China to explore these questions and share insights on the impact of inflation, domestic production shifts, and the changes taking place in U.S.-China Ag trade and its impact to Ag producers in the Heartland.

Author Event: The Dragon Roars Back

There is an ancient Chinese proverb that says "a group of dragons with no leader has no power at all." When examining the current state of Chinese foreign policy, analyzing the civilization's long history of complex political events, processes, and […]

Globalization of RMB & The Future of International Trade

What are the challenges and opportunities of the Chinese efforts to develop the yuan as an international trade standard versus the dollar? USHCA is excited to bring two leading experts Diana Choyleva, Chief Economist at Enodo Economics, and David Dollar, […]

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