2024 Agriculture & Food Business Delegation to China

June 3 - June 12, 2024

From June 3 to June 12, 2024, a diverse group of agribusiness representatives from nine Heartland states traveled to China to attend the 2024 U.S.-China Agriculture Roundtable. This Ag & Food Business Delegation brought together leaders from various agricultural sectors, including soy, rice, corn, sorghum, dairy, beef, and agritech products.

Over ten days, the delegation visited three key centers of Chinese agricultural production and commerce; first, Shanghai, a prominent logistics hub and an essential port for one of the Chinese markets; second, Shandong, China’s top agricultural province and main ag and food production center; finally, Beijing, China’s capital city and political center. Each leg of the journey was designed to give the delegates a full view of the agriculture environment in China. The curated itinerary provided a comprehensive view of China’s dynamic agricultural environment, from bustling urban centers to rural farmlands.

Pictured above: the first batch of arrivals for the Ag & Food Business Delegation stand in front of the historic Jinjiang Hotel in Shanghai.

On June 3rd, the delegation met with senior staff within the Agricultural Trade Office and the Foreign Commercial Services in the U.S. Consulate General Shanghai, engaging in discussions about trade avenues and business opportunities. This meeting provided valuable insights into the current state of U.S.-China agricultural relations.

Pictured above: members of the Agriculture Education Delegation and Ag & Food Business Delegation pose with U.S. Shanghai Consulate staff members led by Acting Consul General Daniel Delk.

That afternoon, the group traveled to Songjing in the suburbs to visit the U.S. Soybean Export Council’s IPRS Feeding Demo Site. Here, delegates witnessed sustainable aquaculture practices in action, showcasing the tangible results of 40 years of U.S.-China agricultural collaboration.

Pictured above: members of the USHCA Delegation take a group photo at the U.S. Soybean Export Council’s IPRS Feeding Demo Site alongside staff.

For dinner, the group was hosted by Syngenta Group at a local restaurant, where Syngenta staff presented their impressive work in innovation and global collaboration in agriculture.

The following day, June 4th, brought the delegates to the American Chamber of Commerce Shanghai. Here, they received a specialized briefing relating to the U.S.-China supply chain, food and agribusiness challenges and opportunities, as well as the business environment in China. The group also gained insights into China’s booming e-commerce sector, with introductions to platforms like Alibaba, Meituan, Elema, Taobao and Xiao Hongshu introduced by young AmCham staffers who use these platforms every day. Among those in attendance were: Eric Zheng, President of AmCham Shanghai; Li Xin, President of Sustenture, chair of AmCham Food and Ag Committee; Charles You, Port of Georgia, U.S. Exports to China via Georgia Ports; Stella Xu, Managing Director of SE Asia, Georgia Department of Economic Development; and Claudia Kosser, Partner at FGS who also presented on key topics to consider when entering the Chinese market. Delegates engaged in an open discussion and participated in a networking session with potential Chinese partners organized by Diane Long, Co-Founder of Xanadu Asia. Also in attendance was Helen Li, CEO of iGlobalAdvisory.

Pictured above: USHCA Delegation at the American Chamber of Commerce’s main office in Shanghai for the business briefing.

That afternoon session began with a lunch of classic Shanghai dishes in the Former French Concession, followed by a market walk led by Rachel Gouk, Founder of NomInfluence, Content Creator, Food & Beverage Consultant. The group visited wet markets, chain stores, and shops specializing in imported products, where delegates gained valuable firsthand insights into the positioning and potential of U.S. agricultural products, such as meat and dairy, in the Chinese consumer market.

Pictured above: USHCA Delegation enjoying lunch and the produce and meat shops during the Market Walk.

On their final day in Shanghai on June 5th, the business group met with Bay Area Council staff and members for joint networking and business matching organized by Helen Li, CEO of iGlobalAdvisory and Senior Advisor of Bay Area Council. Among those in attendance were: John Zhang, Founder of Heartland Brothers; Effie Jiang, Co-founderf of Maple Gree & Food Corp; Flora Fu, VP of Global Freezer Services Shanghai; Hannah Yang, COO of Summer Farm. The U.S. delegation had a very productive discussion with the CEO’s from the Chinese Ag and Food industry and the District Government Officer.

Pictured above: Helen Li, Center, CEO of iGlobalAdvisory and Senior Advisor of Bay Area Council stands with USHCA Delegates with Chinese CEO’s from the Chinese Ag and Food industry and the District Government Officer at the Bay Area Council office.
Pictured above: members of the Ag & Food Business Delegation pose on stage at the 2024 U.S.-China Agriculture Roundtable Trade and Business Dialogue in Jinan, Shandong.

From Shanghai, the delegation traveled to Shandong province for the second leg of their journey. On June 6th, they arrived in the city of Jinan to participate in the Trade and Business Dialogue, hosted by the Shandong Provincial government. This three-day event aimed to bolster the commitment made between the leaders of the two largest economies in the world to address pressing global challenges such as food security and sustainable agricultural practices.

The first day of programming on June 7th featured the main event, boasting over 300 attendees, which included a grand Opening Ceremony with high-level speakers, a Signing and Launching Ceremony, two specialized panels, a Business Matching event, and an Exhibition showcasing distinctive agricultural products from Shandong and the U.S.

Pictured above: Ms. Kimberly Ratcliff, Owner, Ratcliff Premium Meats, a member of the Ag & Food Business Delegation speaks with a potential Chinese partner during the B2B matching session during the Trade and Business Dialogue in Jinan, Shandong
Pictured above: Mr. Harmon "H" Barlow, Executive Director, Kentucky Dairy Development Council, a member of the Ag & Food Business Delegation presents to a potential Chinese partner during the B2B matching session during the Trade and Business Dialogue in Jinan, Shandong.

Members of the Ag & Food Business Delegation were given special priority by their Chinese hosts; in addition to the business matchmaking opportunities, delegates were invited to attend VIP receptions with such esteemed persons as Mr. Chen Ping, Vice Governor of Shandong Province and prominent Chinese business leaders.

Pictured above: Mr. Robert Petter, Director, United Soybean Board, a member of the Ag & Food Business Delegation provides a keynote speech during the Trade and Business Dialogue in Jinan, Shandong.
Pictured above: Mr. Stan Born, past Chair of USSEC and current Chair of the American Soybean Association’s Trade Policy & International Affairs Advocacy Team a member of the Ag & Food Business Delegation sits on a panel during the Trade and Business Dialogue in Jinan, Shandong.
Pictured above: Mr. Adam Schindler, Past Chairman of Sorghum Checkoff Board of Directors, a member of the Ag & Food Business Delegation sits on a panel during the Trade and Business Dialogue in Jinan, Shandong.

A number of delegates were invited by Shandong to provide special remarks at the event, or to provide insight at the panels. USSEC provided a tremendous amount of expertise to the Dialogue, with Stan Born, past Chair of U.S. Soybean Export Council and current Chair of the American Soybean Association’s Trade Policy & International Affairs Advocacy Team, and Robert Petter, Director of the United Soybean Board contributing to the dialogue with their years of experience. Several USGC growers and grain specialists likewise spoke and signed MOUs including Macey Mueller, Sorghum Checkoff Board of Directors, Adam Schindler, Past Chairman of Sorghum Checkoff Board of Directors, and Kyle Hedrick, Sorghum Product Line Manager at Cargill.

Pictured above: members of the Ag & Food Business Delegation visit a dairy farm during the Trade and Business Dialogue in Weifang, Shandong.

For the following two days, members of the delegation received a private tour of the incredible agricultural technology and specialization to be found in Shandong Province, traveling to the cities of Binzhou and Weifang. From June 8th-9th, delegates went on field visits to local agricultural enterprises where they observed cutting-edge practices in smart and sustainable agriculture. These visits included a special tour of a dairy farm, a meeting with the Foreign Affairs Office in Weifang, a visit to the world’s largest kite museum to learn more about Chinese culture, and more. These visits not only facilitated interactive real-time sharing and learning between the delegates and the Chinese experts but also highlighted successful applications of innovative agricultural technologies.

2024 U.S.-China Ag RT Ag Edu Delegation digital marketing
Pictured above: ag product live-streaming session.

The final leg of the trip took place in China’s capital, Beijing, from June 10th to 12th. On their first day in the capital, the delegates enjoyed a full day exploring the historic locale, eating local delicacies, and participating in cultural activities including climbing the Great Wall.

Pictured above: USHCA delegation at the Great Wall

On June 11th, the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) hosted a private meeting with our delegates. This gathering fostered dialogue on reinforcing institutional collaboration and promoting youth exchanges, crucial elements for the future of agricultural innovation and cultural understanding.

Pictured above: members of the Ag & Food Business Delegation pose for a photo after a productive meeting with COFCO representatives

Later that day, our group had the privilege of visiting China Oil Foodstuffs Corporation (COFCO), a major player in China’s agribusiness sector with annual revenues of $50 billion USD in 2023. This networking opportunity opened doors for potential future collaborations between U.S. and Chinese agricultural enterprises.

Pictured above: members of the Agriculture Education Delegation and Ag & Food Business Delegation stand in front of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences at the 2024 U.S.-China Agriculture Roundtable Think Tank Dialogue Dialogue in Beijing.

On June 12th, the group attended the Think Tank Dialogue, which was held in Beijing at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). Here, 30 experts addressed an audience of over 100 agricultural scientists and practitioners, discussing opportunities for U.S.-China cooperation in tackling climate change, food security, and agricultural development.

USHCA is proud to have orchestrated this transformative experience, uniting agricultural visionaries from both nations to explore new horizons and nurture mutual understanding. In today’s interconnected world, where global challenges demand collaborative solutions, delegations like this serve as vital conduits for cross-cultural and cross-industry dialogue.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated delegates, gracious hosts, and invaluable partners who made this mission possible. Special thanks to our Business Delegation partners, Helen Li, CEO of iGlobalAdvisory, and Diane Long, Co-Founder of Xanadu Asia, and many others for excellent contributions to the success of this trip. May this journey mark the beginning of a new chapter in agricultural innovation, growth, and international cooperation!

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