Student Forums

Our Student Forums combine expert presentations with student contributions to explore topics that are important to the students, whether they are Chinese students studying in the U.S. or American students studying in Chinese higher education institutions.
No scheduled forums at this time
Past Forums

Student Forum – March 2021
Former recruitment expert from Deloitte will reveal the main factors that affect successful career development and provide you with advice on “what to do and what not to do” in interview preparation and further career development. Chinese students from Eastern

Special Webinar on Chinese Student Mental Health
Being a college student during the pandemic is challenging to say the least. For Chinese students who are studying in the U.S., either physically here or remotely from China, the deterioration of the U.S.- China relationship further added to their stress.

Student Forum – December 2020
Forum Topic: Legal questions regarding Chinese students studying in the U.S.
This session is conducted in Chinese.

Student Forum – October 2020
For Chinese students who have come to study in the U.S. and those who are hoping to come someday, their private ambitions to pursue a future in the U.S. are confronted with challenges on multiple fronts: CoVID-19, deteriorating U.S. –