Third Space Story Circle: Autumn Equinox

Third Space Story Circles are events where college students and young professionals from the US and China come together to share across language and cultural lines. All college students and young professionals interested in cultivating intercultural competence and forging international friendships are welcome to attend.

“Fall of Frost” Story Circle

Our next US-China Story Circle will be held this Friday, October 15, 9:00 p.m. EDT / October 16th, 9:00 a.m. Beijing Time. We have new prompts and music selected with the help of your feedback in last week's follow-up survey!

PROMPT #1 第一话题:
Tell us a story about your first day at school (any grade level).

PROMPT #2 第二话题:
Tell about a time you had trouble understanding something someone else said due to variations in language, dialect or accent. How were you able to resolve the situation? Did the situation lead you to engage in future intercultural / inter-language conversations differently?

Start of Winter Story Circle

Third Space is a digital community and virtual ecosystem where diverse American and Chinese college students and young professionals come together to engage interculturally and reflect on intercultural living.

Third Space Story Circle

Join USHCA as we gather groups of students and young professionals to share stories with one another across language and cultural lines. The stories we share revolve around cultural prompts that have been provided ahead of time.

Third Space Story Circle

立春 “Start of Spring” Story Circle PROMPT #1: Tell the story that explains why you came to choose your major/area of study. PROMPT #2: Tell us a moment when someone helped you when you were new to a foreign or […]

Third Space Reunion

Join us for a reunion of our Third Space members!

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